Ponderings of a Lesbian Mistress and Witch

11 June 2006

Its Politics

Politics seems to always be in the way of progress. Because of politics there is a reluctance to move forward with change because the politician is not sure of what the change will ultimately do to his or her chances of re election.

Political parties are a joke as they are controlled by big money. There is no other way the party can exist but with money so you cant really blame them for seeking out and catering to money that they will need to be elected. In order to stay elected they still need money. At least this is the way it is in a capitalist society such as the US. In other countries re election is secured by intimidation, lies, and ethnic cleansing----> (aka mass murder).

So it goes, the democratic society in the US sucks but what other form of government is better and more open than ours? Sure there are secrets and "scandals", and conspiricys but these are promptly made into entertaining television (at least entertaining to some) by our news media who use these to boost their ratings.

For example the ranting about should we be in Iraq. Isn't that a mute point? We ARE in Iraq now and if we should or shouldn't is not news. Why we stay there is news and we should remain interested in why we stay in Iraq and interested in providing the best equipment and training to those that are there while they are there.

Was 9/11 allowed to happen? Did our government allow this to make a case to invade Iraq? With all the leaks in our government systems, I am confident we would know by now. The buzz going makes as much sense as the divince code and the omen and other science fiction horror movies.

Lets keep our eye on the ball and continue to write our leadership to encourage them to do the same.

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