Ponderings of a Lesbian Mistress and Witch

12 October 2007

The Latest

The world changes all the time but I never really notice until it directly involves ME!!!
My boss is promoted and I'm stuck at my job. A new person is hired and they seem to get all the attention now while I am left in the dark. Hmmm, is someone trying to tell me something?? Is this a wakeup call that I haven't had the impact on the organization that I had thought?
Or is it I am just running with TURKEYS!!! It is soooo hard to fly with the eagles when you are in a flock of turkeys........


richard412 said...

Turkeys are like polititions they "Gobble" up all the glory.
Every one makes an impact even if we don't see the results.
I Don't think that you would do the things you do if you needed all the Glory
( What ever you may do)

richard412 said...

Boss's are like dippers, Always full of shit and always on you ass!!

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