Ponderings of a Lesbian Mistress and Witch

01 June 2007

The Closing of the FATTY2HUMILI8 GROUP

At last it appears that Yahoo! has closed fatty2humili8. It was a long run since spring of 2005 and we gathered over 3500 members before it was closed this week.

Yahoo! is trying to go a new direction and catch up with Google and I guess nobody can blame them for trying to stay alive in the business. They don't want their name associated with smut. (Some would say "too late for that" ) lol.

I appreciate every one's support and I think we had fun with the group. It is important to know the group was started FOR fat girls and was intended to support their fetish. It appears there is a common desire for humiliation among many fat girls. Unfortunately, this leads them to hang with some very bad characters and many end up in psychotherapy.

I apologize to anyone offended by the group's existence and wish the best to all the members of the group.


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