Ms. Kathy's Diary

Ponderings of a Lesbian Mistress and Witch

10 June 2010

My Yearly Blog Post El Dorado by RL Stevenson

Quotes from El Dorado by R.L. Stevenson are included at the end of the post.

They say (whoever they are) that the only thing you gotta do is pay taxes and die then pay taxes again after your dead. Yes you pay taxes after you die gotta love the USA.

In search for meaning in life there is only one truth and that is that we will all experience death for ourselves up close and personal and so far no one has been able to tell us what happens after that experience. Carl Jung the psychologist did not rule out the possibility of life after death but how can there be life after death if death is the final destination. Perhaps it is not so final.

There is a continuum of things. Matter cannot be created or destroyed which means in some form we remain. Energy is not lost either it changes form. Is the soul matter or is it energy? Since the matter (corpse) is left behind one could conclude that the soul is not matter and that when the day of judgement comes we will not have corpses wandering around.

Could the soul be energy then? Perhaps it is but I am not dying to find out.

"There is only one wish realisable on the earth; only one thing that can be perfectly attained: Death. And from a variety of circumstances we have no one to tell us whether it be worth attaining."

It is never the destination that I cherish as much as the journey. This can be no less true of the journey of life as we will die and perhaps live on but not here and not in our carbon form. If we do "survive" death it will be the beginning of a new journey.

22 July 2009

Did My Man Win In the Presidential Election

Oh my it has been over a year since my last post. I have been so busy moving my new pet from California and getting her situated here.

In reference to the title of this post, the presidential election is over and my "man" was a woman and no she didn't. It appears the USA is "not ready for a woman as president".

Well of course not!

A woman as president would not accept mediocre performance of her cabinet members. She would make sure each of her staff did there jobs correctly and efficiently. A woman would reason with heads of state instead of making threats. Women are perfectionists and would not tolerate the status quo in Washington.

Hell if they elected a woman as president it would be GAME OVER!! Washington bureaucrats would have to actually work!

09 July 2008

Why do they ask ASL???

I have recently conducted an experiment in Yahoo chat rooms testing the waters for an innocent child of 16. Of course Yahoo says you aren't allowed in a chat room under the age of 18 but i am sure none of my readers doubt the ability of a 16 yr old girl to lie about her age and get a profile.

As my 16 yr old girl was online she was bombarded by the males wanting to insert their little brain into various parts of her or feed her "sausage". This was without even bothering to find out her age.

Many started With "ASL" which is the lingo for determining the age sex and location of the person you are speaking with. After four hours of experiments and i would say at least twenty messages the child was only twice that she was too young. The remainder of the responders were more than eager to engage her in various sexual role play encounters and encourage her to get on the webcam so they could talk her out of her clothes. Of course once they saw they would want the girl to do more i have no doubt. So two out of 20 used asl to determine if they should continue with the 16 yr old and they chose to stop on finding her age. The other 18 had no problem wanting her body for recreation and told her as much. So why did these 18 individuals ask for asl? Perhaps it is because they are specifically seeking girls under age? I can reach no other conclusion. Yahoo is the pedophile capital of the internet! Maybe Microsoft should take it over and close the Yahoo chats forever!

Yahoo continues to be unsafe at any speed and i see no reason to continue their chat rooms as they are today. They did remove the private chat rooms but that does not make the remaining rooms less dangerous.

22 June 2008

IRAQNAM Are we the Terrorists now?

Anyone who fails to see that the current "War" in Iraq is another version of the Vietnam conflict fails to see the simple truth that both conflicts were/are un winnable.

What should happen to a country who invades another country and executes the Head of that Government? I would say they didn't deserve the Nobel Peace Prize, to say the least! You don't succeed fighting terrorism with terrorism. At this writing there are laws that allow the government of the US to arrest anyone they want, under the name of "national security" , and prevent them due process. This is ,simply put, a police state at that point! Who is it that determines if the denial of rights is in the interest of national security? It is the very persons who make the arrest. This puts absolute power in the hands of the executive branch which prevents the checks and balances provided by the US Constitution with the separation of powers.

The US lost the war in Vietnam and there is no possible way to "WIN" the war in Iraq! Are we taking over the country? NO! Are we occupying the country? YES! Will we be able to convert the Iraq people to our way of government by using deadly force? NO! Is it normal for people of a country to resist an occupying force? YES!

No matter what the US Military does in Iraq, they have to leave sometime. What will happen then? Like any civilization it will reach some equilibrium. That equilibrium will be reached by a balance of those who would take power and those who will accept being governed by that power.

After the US leaves there will be a continuation of the civil war that was caused by the removal of Iraq's government. Even if the US will not admit they installed a government in Iraq, the remainder of the world sees that is exactly what happened! The very fact that the US installed government in Iraq cannot stand on its own, with out US help, proves it is not a government from the "grass roots" of Iraq.

Will we ever understand that we cannot ever win someone else's war? I am not saying that the result in Iraq, after withdrawal of US troops, would be in Iraq's best interest. What I am saying is that the presence of US troops is postponing the inevitable. Unless we actually take over the country and govern it ourselves we cannot win the war. To do that we would have to wage a war of Biblical proportions meaning we would have to be willing to kill anyone or anything that got in the way. That is not US. That is not what we do! (at least not on purpose).

Another thing to ponder is this. As the world passes us by making investments here and producing more than we do. As the rest of the world produces better educated graduates than we are. Does it make you wonder why? Just look at where we spend our money compared to other countries. Its the old "guns and butter" philosophy. We are spending our money on guns while the rest of the world is investing in butter.

Even if we stopped activities in Iraq now, we would be spending money taking care of the damages we caused for years and years to come.

For more information regarding the cost of Iraqnam in money and lives, check out this link:


24 May 2008

The High Cost of Gas


The GAS companies have reached all time high NET profits? How can that be? I thought the high price of gas was because of the high price of oil! Actually it is due to the GREED of some high placed officials!

If the high prices were just due to the price of oil then the GROSS profits of the oil companies may be high but not the NET profits! If net profits are higher there is only one explanation and that is not the high price of oil. NO! Its just GREED plain and simple. The oil company executives are lining their pockets while the rest of us suffer by reducing food intake and medical care in order to drive to work.

Lets call it like it is. We are being robbed on a daily basis by liars, thieves, and immoral individuals who are in trusted positions.

19 April 2008

Election Time Again!!

I haven't entered anything for a while so I thought I needed to say something.

Its election time and as usual the Democrats are doing their best to elect another Republican. How you say? They do it by proving that no Democrat candidate tells the truth and none can be trusted. Then enter the third party candidate to take even more of the votes away then you have the die hard Republicans ready to elect their white male who will get on his knees to serve the rich and kick the rest of us in the ass.

What a country!!

12 October 2007

The Latest

The world changes all the time but I never really notice until it directly involves ME!!!
My boss is promoted and I'm stuck at my job. A new person is hired and they seem to get all the attention now while I am left in the dark. Hmmm, is someone trying to tell me something?? Is this a wakeup call that I haven't had the impact on the organization that I had thought?
Or is it I am just running with TURKEYS!!! It is soooo hard to fly with the eagles when you are in a flock of turkeys........
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